Friday, August 12, 2011

School Composition:Independence day

             The 15th August ,1947 is a red letter day in the history of our country.It is called 'Independence Day',because on that day the British rule came to an end in India.
             'Independence Day' is celebrated every year on the 15th of August .It is celebrated in every part of the country.It is celebrated by the whole nation . On this day the National Flag is hoisted by the Prime Minister over the Red Fort in Delhi .
            Early in the morning on Independence Day ,the Prime Minister goes to the Red Fort.He hoists the National Flag and addresses the people .The National Anthem is sung and the band is played on this occasion.The guard of honor is presented by the Indian army.Buildings in Old and New Delhi are brightly lit with electric lights .Sweets are distributed to school children ,meals are given to the poor and medals and honors are awarded to the brave.
       Independence Day is our greatest National Festival .All the schools ,offices shops and factories in the country are closed on this day.All the people -young and old ,rich and poor ,high and low -are gay on this day and take part in the national  festival.

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