Thursday, September 1, 2011

Keralapsc | KPSC | Online Application | | Assistant Divisional Officer in Kerala Fire and Rescue Services

Gazette Date: 12.08.2011
Last Date: 14.09.2011
Category No: 270/2011
Applications with a latest passport size photo uploaded are invited On-line only from qualified Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates of Kerala State for selection to the following post.
1 Department : Kerala Fire and Rescue Services
2 Name of post : Assistant Divisional Officer (SR for SC/ST)
3 Scale of pay : ` 10790 – 18000/- (PR)
4 No. of vacancies : 1 (One)
Note:- 1) The above vacancy is now in existence. The number of candidates to be included in the short list/probability List would be decided by the commission later on subject to the availability of the qualified candidates. The list of selected candidates published by the commission shall remain in force for a minimum period of One year and a maximum period of three years provided that the said list will not continue to be in force, if a new list after the expiry of the minimum period of one year is
published. Recruitment will be made for the above vacancy and also for the vacancies reported for Special Recruitment during the pendency of the list. Candidates against vacancies exclusively reported for Scheduled Tribes will also be advised from this list and only in the absence of Scheduled Tribe candidates in this list that fresh notification for Scheduled Tribes for vacancies reserved exclusively for them will be issued.
5 Method of Appointment : Direct Recruitment (Special Recruitment from among Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes only).
Note:- 1) Applications received from candidates other than Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe candidates will be rejected. Individual communications regarding the rejection of their applications for the above reason will not be issued.
2) Women candidates/Physically handicapped persons shall not be eligible for the post in view of the arduous/special nature and responsibilities attached to the post.
6 Age : 20– 30. Candidates born in between 02.01.1981 and 01.01.1991, (Both dates included) are eligible to apply for this post. (No other age relaxation will be allowed).
Note:- The relaxation of upper age limit envisaged in sub rule (c) of rule10 of General Rules in Kerala State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1958 shall not be applicable to the candidates for appointment under these rules in view of the arduous and special nature of Physical training attached to the post.
7. Qualifications :
(I) (a) Essential: Graduation in Science from a recognized university, preferably in Chemistry.
Note:- A candidate who has successfully completed in Sub Officers Course/Station Officers and Instructors Course from the National Fire Service College, Nagpur or equivalent course shall be preferred to a candidate who possesses only the qualification mentioned above.
(b) Preferential : A good record in Sports and/ or Games.
Note:- (i) Only International, National, Interzonal, Interstate or State-Sporting events organized or recognized by any of the organizations listed in Appendix (vii) of the Kerala Service Rules shall be accepted for this purpose.
(ii) Preferential qualification mentioned above shall come within the meaning of G.O.(MS) No.50/70/PD dated 12th February 1970.
(II) Must be certified to possesses the visual standard specified below without glasses.

(a) Distant vision: Right Eye : 6/6 (snellen)   Left Eye: 6/6 (Snellen)
Near Vision:Right Eye  : 0.5 (Snellen)      Left Eye: 0.5 (Snellen)
(b) Each eye must have a full field of vision
(III) Must not be less than 160 cms in height (without footwear), must not be less than 48 Kg; in weight, and must not be less than 76 cms round the chest normally with an expansion of not less than 5 cms.
(IV) Must qualify in at least 5 out of the 8 items of the physical efficiency tests showing the minimum standard of efficiency noted against each item.
          Item                Standard of Efficiency
1 100 meters race      14 Seconds
2 High Jump             132.20 cms
3 Long Jump           457.20 cms
4 Putting the shot of 7264 gms       609.60 cms
5 Throwing the Cricket Ball          6096 cms
6 Rope climbing (only hand)      365.80 cms
7 Pull up or chinning 8 times
8 1500 meters meters race 5 minutes and 44 seconds
8 Bond:- A person appointed under these rules, shall execute a bond as given in annexure to G.O.(P) No.33/08, dated 15.02.2008, binding himself to serve in the Fire Force for a period of 7 years and to pay to Government an amount of Rs.8000/- (Rupees Eight Thousand) in case of failure to serve in the Fire and Rescue Services for the period.
Known all men by three presents that we,
Sri. …..............................................................................................................................................….................................................................................................................................................................
(H.E Name and address …...........................................................................................................................
…................................................................................................... (hereinafter called the “bounden”) and Sri
…................................................................................................................................................................. (H.E Name and address) and  Sri….............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. (H.E Name and address) and Sri ….............................................................................................................…................................................................................................................................................................. (H.E Name and address) hereinafter called 'the Sureties') do hereby bind ourselves and each of us our heirs, executors and administers jointly and severally to pay to the Governor of Kerala (hereinafter referred to as the 'Government') on demand the sum of Rs........................ together with a further sum of Rs. …........................................ As liquidated damages. Signed and dated this …..................................................................................................................
…....................................................... of day of …...........................................................2011. Signed by the bounden
Sri ….................................................................................................................................. in the presence of witnesses:
Signed by the Sureties:
In the presence of witness:
Whereas the bounden has been recruited as the Assistant Divisional Officer in the Kerala State Fire and Rescue Services and selected to undergo training in …................................................................ for a period of .........................................................................................................
Whereas the Government have agreed to pay the bounden during the period of a said training a suitable allowance to meet his personal expenses and also to meet the cost of the said training on condition that after successful completion of the training the bounden shall serve the Government for a period of …................................................... years and subject to the terms and condition hereinafter appearing and the Bounden and Sureties have agreed to the same. Now the condition of the above written obligation is that the “instructions” conveyed to him regarding the said training or regarding his conduct during the course of training or in the event of the Bounden not successfully
completing the course of training within the said period of …......................... years or on the completion of the said training refusing to serve the Government as called upon by the Government in any capacity consistent with high qualification and experience for a minimum period of …................ years or in the event of the Bounden deserting the
Fire & Rescue Services before the expiry of the said period of …........................... years, the Bounden and the sureties shall forthwith pay to the Government on demand and without demur a sum of Rs …......................... (Rupees …........................... ….......................................................... only) together with a sum of Rs …................... (Rupees …........................................ only) as liquidated damages and in the matter of deciding what money are to be paid by
the bounden and the sureties, the decision of the Government shall be final and legally binding on the bounden and the sureties and upon the payment of such sum the above written obligation shall be void and of no effect otherwise this shall remain in full force and effect: Provided that in case Bounden fails to complete the obligatory service of …................................ years after his joining duty on completion of training, the bounden shall pay only the proportionate amount equal to the portion of the shortfall of service to the period of ….................................................. years together with a sum of Rs
…......................................... (Rupees ….................................................. …........................... only) by way of
liquidated damages. Provided further that the bounden and sureties do hereby agree that all sums found due to the Government under or by virtue of this bound may be recovered jointly and severally from them and their properties movable and
immovable, as if such dues were arrears of Land Revenue under the provisions of the Revenue Recovery Act for the time being in force or in such other manner as the Government may deem fit. The liability of the sureties under this bond is co-extensive with that of the bounden and shall not be affected by the Government giving time or any other indulgence to the bounden or by the Government varying any of the
terms and conditions herein contained.
8. Signed by the bounden Sri …............................................ In the presence of witnesses:-
Signed by the Sureties Sri ….......................................................................................................................
Sri …........................................................................................................................................................... In the
Presence of witnesses:
9 Pre-service Training and Stipend: The Selected candidates shall undergo a pre-service training for an actual period of six months with a fully trained Assistant Divisional Officer. This period of training shall not be considered for the purpose of probation and seniority. On successful completion of the pre-service training the
candidates shall be appointed to the service and he will acquire seniority only from date of order of such appointment. Persons undergoing pre-service training shall be paid a stipend at the minimum of the scale of pay of the post of Assistant Divisional Officer and no other allowances is admissible.
10 Probation: Every person appointed to the post shall be from the date on which he joins duty in the Department on probation for a total period of two years on duty within a continuous period of three years.11 Tests: Every person appointed to the post shall within the period of probation pass the following tests if he has not already passed them namely:-
(i) Account Test for the Executive Officers.
(ii) The Departmental test in the Kerala Fire Force Standing Orders and Practices.
(iii) St. John's Ambulance Examination in first aid.
Note: A person who has already passed the Account Test (Lower) shall not pass the test mentioned in item (I).
12 Course of Training and Examination : Every person appointed to the post shall undergo the following course of Training and pass the Examination Course of initial training for the prescribed period in the National Fire Service College, Nagpuur or any other recognized Fire Service Training Institutions and a pass in the
Examination in the subjects prescribed for the course, if not already undergone such training and passed the examination. Uniform and kit are free and will be issued in accordance with the scale approved by Government form time to time.
13 Method of submitting application The applications with photo uploaded shall be submitted On-line only. Detailed instructions regarding the submission of applications are available in the website of the Kerala Public Commission viz. No application fee is required. The barcode number in the application form (from the website) shall be quoted in all further enquiries/correspondences. Documents to prove qualification, age and community have to be produced as and when called for. Applications which are submitted not in accordance with the instructions given in the website will be summarily rejected.
14. Last date for receipt of application : 14.09.2011 Wednesday upto 12 Midnight.
15. On-line Address to which application are to be sent:
16. Paragraphs two, three and twenty five [except the conditions laid down in the Rule 3 ( c) of Part II of the Kerala State and Subordinate Service Rules] are not applicable to this selection.
17. Appointment are made subject to the rank secured in the ranked list of candidates prepared in pursuance of this notification subject to the conditions laid down in G.O.(MS) No.142/72/PD, dated 13.04.1972, G.O.(MS)
No.309/73/PD dated 29.11.1973, G.O.(P) No.21/76/PD dated 17.01.1976, G.O.(P) No.25/94/GAD dated 22.01.1994, allowing Special Reservations to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes in accordance with the procedures made for this purpose from time to time and subject to the rules under sections 3 (c ), 17 (a), 17
(b) of Part II of Kerala State Subordinate Service Rules, 1958.
18 If a written test/OMR test is conducted as part of the selection hall ticket of eligible candidates will be made available in the website of the Kerala Public Service Commission. Candidates are instructed to download their hall ticket as per the instructions in the website.
19 At the time of Examination,Physical Efficiency Test,Practical Test,Interview etc,candidates shall produce their Photo affixed ID proof in Original and self attested photocopy of (Voters Identity Card,Driving License,Passport,Identity Cards issued by Social Welfare Department to Physically Handicapped Candidates,Photo affixed Pass Books issued by Nationalized Banks,PAN Card,Identity Cards issued to
Government Employees by the concerned Departments) along with Hall Tickets.
(For details refer to the General Conditions at the end of the notification)
Apply online for this post here. 

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