Saturday, September 24, 2011

Pursue Ph.D Programme with Financial Support at Annamalai University

Applications invited for Mailam India Research Fellowship.

      Annamalai University is established in 1929.The Department of Manufacturing Engineering (erstwhile Department of Production Engineering) was established in 1984 and houses 21 well equipped laboratories including an exclusive "Centre for Materials Joining & Research (CEMAJOR)" and qualified staff members to cater the needs of students and research scholars.
      Mailam India Limited is one of the leading welding consumables manufacturer in India, located at Mailam Road, Sedarapet, Pudhucherry-605 111.
       The main objective of this fellowship is to financially support the research scholars to pursue Ph.D programme in the broader area of materials joining (welding). The selected research scholars should do research on industry oriented project to be prescribed jointly by AU and MIL. AU shall provide all the necessary infrastructure facilities and guidance to the research scholar to carryout industry oriented research problems. MIL shall help to formulate the industry oriented research problems.
Candidates for admission to the Ph.D degree programme and Research Fellowship must have passed M.E/M.Tech/M.S(Welding Engineering/ Production Engineering/Manufacturing Engineering/ Metallurgy/ Materials Science) in first class.

Financial Support:

(i) The selected research scholar shall be provided with a consolidated amount of Rs.18,000/- per month during 1st year, Rs.20,000/- per month during 2nd year and Rs.22,000/- per month during 3rd year. Every year only one candidate will be selected under this fellowship.
(ii) A contingency grant of Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand only) per annum will be made available to the research scholar to buy required consumables, chemicals, specimen preparation, other testing charges, travel, stationary and other miscellaneous expenses.
(iii) However, the selected candidate should pay the Fees (Tuition Fee, Special Fee, Laboratory Fee etc.) prescribed by the University (on par with Full Time Ph.D scholars) on the day of Admission.

Conditions for Financial Support:
The selected research scholar should execute a bond stating that

(i) I agree to work on an industry oriented research problem suggested by the Coordinators
(ii) I assure you that under any circumstances, I will not discontinue the Ph.D program. If I discontinue the program, then I will pay back the entire sum of fellowship and contingent grant received from MIL.
(iii) I will not ask for change of topic or change of guide.
(iv) I will not claim any further employment in AU / MIL based on the service in this project.
(v) I will maintain 90% attendance during the course.
(vi) I will attend the monthly review meetings without fail.
(vii) I will obey to the rules and regulations of the AU.

Selection Procedure:
Applications which fulfil the above eligibility conditions will be scrutinised by a Coordination Committee. The shortlisted candidates will be called for a written test followed by an interview. Based on the performance in written test and interview and also based on academic credentials the candidate will be selected.

Progress Review Committee:
Dr.V.Balasubramanian, Professor, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, AU and Mr.R.D.Pennathur / Mr.S.Sankaran of MIL would be the Coordinators for the scheme. The choice of the research program, periodic review of the progress of the project & decisions on future directions for the project will be coordinated by a research committee comprising Dr.V.Balasubramanian (Chairman), Mr.R.D.Pennathur/Mr.S.Sankaran, Dr.K.Raghukandan, Professor and Head, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, AU, one expert from a research laboratory (WRI/IGCAR/DMRL) and another expert from an academic institution (NIT/CIT/IITM). Committee would meet at least once in 6 months and review the progress. One meeting will be held at CEMAJOR, AU and the second meeting will be held at MIL, Pudhucherry in a year.

Course Work:
The research scholars shall undergo the core courses prescribed by the guide and take the Part – I Methodology Examinations in two papers at the end of the first year of registration. Methodology examinations should be completed within a maximum period of two years from the date of registration. If a candidate fails in any paper, he/she can repeat the examinations on two more occasions only. If the candidate fails in the third appearance, the registration shall be cancelled. Only after successful completion of the Methodology examinations, the scholar will be eligible to submit the thesis after a minimum period of two years from the date of passing the methodology examination.

The minimum period of residence required before submission of the thesis is three years for Master's degree holders. The candidate should complete his/her thesis work within a period of five years from the date of registration.

Submission and Evaluation of Thesis:
A minimum of one paper relevant to the topic of the thesis in each of National/International Journals be published before submission of the Ph.D. thesis and the copies of the same be enclosed in the thesis by all research scholars. After completing the minimum, required period of research, the candidate will submit five copies of his/her thesis printed or typewritten, embodying the results of the research carried out by him/her, together with the submission fee as prescribed by the University. Three months before the submission of the thesis, he/she has to submit three copies of the synopsis of the thesis to the Controller of Examination with the prescribed fee.

In case the candidate fails to submit the thesis (after submission of the synopsis) within the stipulated time, he/she has to resubmit the synopsis with a condonation fee as prescribed by the University. Every candidate should also submit with the thesis certificate from the Guide/Co- Guide under whom the candidate worked, specifying that the thesis submitted is a record of research work done by the candidate during the period of study under him/her, and that the thesis has not previously formed the basis for the award of any Degree, Diploma, Associateship, Fellowship or similar title. A statement from the guide indicating the extent to which the thesis represents independent work on the part of the candidate should also be made. A candidate shall also attach to his/her thesis, in support of the quality of his/her research work, printed copies of any contributions he/she might have published in journals/periodicals along with names of such journals and periodicals.

Valuation of Thesis:
For the constitution of the Board of Examiners (Evaluation), the guide will suggest a panel of five foreign examiners and five Indian Examiners (External), which will be forwarded by the Head of the Department concerned. The Ph.D thesis will be evaluated by a board of two examiners chosen from the panel given by the guide. Of the two, one will be from within the country and the other will be from a foreign country. The two examiners will send thesis evaluation reports directly to the Controller of Examinations. The Controller of Examinations on receipt of the reports from the two examiners, will send them to the concerned guide who is the convener of the evaluation Board. The guide will send the consolidated report with his remarks to the Controller of Examination.

On the satisfactory reports of the evaluation, Viva – voce Examination will be arranged. The Viva- voce Board shall comprise the guide (Convener). One external examiner who valued the thesis, and the Head of the Department. If the Head of the Department happens to be the guide, the Dean of the faculty will nominate a senior member of the staff of the concerned Department in the place of the Head of the Department.

Revision and Resubmission of Thesis:
If an examiner recommends change/further work, the thesis will be referred to the same examiner after compliance for his opinion. In case of rejection by Foreign/Indian examiner, the thesis will be sent to another Foreign/Indian examiner and his/her recommendation will be final. If the thesis is recommended to be revised by one or both examiners the, points of revision will be indicated clearly in the report. The necessary correction should carried out, and the revised version should be sent to the concerned examiner[s]. If the examiner[s] is/are still not satisfied with the revised version, the thesis will be rejected. If the thesis is accepted by the Board of Examiners [Evaluation] a public viva – voce examination will be conducted by the viva – voce Board. A candidate who is not successful at the viva – voce examination will be permitted to undergo the viva – voce examination again within a period of three months.

Number of Chances:
A candidate will not be permitted to submit a thesis for the degree on more than two occasions. However, it will be open to the syndicate, if the Board Examiners so recommend, to permit the candidate to submit a thesis on a third occasion. Also, he will not be permitted to appear for the viva – voce examination on more than two occasions.

Publication of Thesis:
The thesis, whether approved or not, should not be published without the permission of the Syndicate, which grant permission for the publication under such conditions as it may impose.

I. Originals of marks-lists or other certificates should not be sent along with the application. Only attested copies of documents need be sent.Original certificates submitted at the time of admission are not returnable till the students complete the programme. Before the certificates are surrendered for admission, the candidates are advised to have with them attested copies of mark-list or other certificates that may be required for applying for scholarship etc.

II. Late applications and applications which are not in the prescribed form or which are not correctly filled in or in respect of which prescribed certificates and documents are not received on or before the due date and applications which do not otherwise fulfill the terms of the instructions, will be considered defective and are liable for rejection. The University will not be responsible for any postal or other kinds of delay for the receipt of applications after the due date.
III. In case of candidates who wish to withdraw from the Programme at the same year of admission who have NOT attended any of the classes and whose seats have been subsequently filled up, service charges for refund of tuition fee and return of original certificates except the Transfer/Migration certificate will be collected @ Rs. 1, 000/-.
IV. Students who have jointed a programme and wish to discontinue need not pay the tuition fees for the subsequent years, but should have paid the fees in full up to the year of study.
V. No certificate will be issued unless the candidate has cleared all the arrears of fees etc., due to the University.
VI. With regard to any dispute arising in relation to admissions, examination, remittance of fees etc., the place of jurisdiction for the purpose of filing a suit or preferring a complaint or taking any legal proceedings against Annamalai University, will be Chidambaram Town only and any other place.

The following code of conduct shall be observed by the students who are admitted.

i. The students should conduct themselves in an exemplary manner so as to be a model for other students.
ii. All students will have to strictly adhere to the rules and regulations of the college.
iii. If any student is involved in ragging or any other anti social activities. He/she will be expelled and criminal proceedings may be launched against him/her.
iv. The students should be present during all working hours and sincerely apply themselves to studies.
v. The campus is "Smoke Free" and "Liquor Free" Deviants will face dismissal from the programme.

How to Apply:
Interested candidates are requested to download the application forms from the University website ( or Company website ( An application fee of Rs.1000/- (Rupees one thousand only) in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of "The Registrar, Annamalai University" payable at Annamalai Nagar will be sent along with the filled in applications. The application complete in all respect should reach on or before 20th August 2011 to the following address.

Professor & Coordinator,
Mailam India Research (MIR) Fellowship,
Centre for Materials Joining & Research (CEMAJOR),
Department of Manufacturing Engineering,
Annamalai University,
Annamalai Nagar – 608 002.
Tamil Nadu.
Click here to download application

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