Tuesday, September 27, 2011

School Education – Evaluation Reforms – Recommendation of the State Level Expert Group – Introduction of Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation system in all schools in Tamil Nadu – Implementation for Class I to VIII from the academic year 2012-13 and for classes IX to X from the academic year 2013-14 - Orders

School Education (V1) Department
G.O.(Ms) No. 143. Dated : 19.09.2011.
Thiruvalluvar Aandu 2042.
Read :
1. G.O. (1D) No.106, School Education, dated 5.4.2011
2. From the Director of Teacher Education, Research and Training
Chennai-6 Lr. Rc.No.4914/D2/2011, dated 4.8.2011.
As the State needs to move away from just rote learning and
memory-based questions to application-oriented ones besides testing the
problem solving and thinking skills of children and there is an imminent need
to consider Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation system, Government
has constituted State Level Expert Group for evolving and implementing
Evaluation reforms in the state in the G.O. 1st read above.
2. As studied by the State Level Expert Group, the Director of Teacher
Education Research and Training, in the reference 2nd cited has sent
proposals for Introduction of Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation from
Class I to X in all Schools as detailed below :-
The Government of Tamil Nadu have taken radical and positive steps in
the recent past in the direction of child friendly learning. The classroom
transaction envisaged for the Primary and Upper Primary students in Tamil
Nadu reflects a paradigm shift from teacher-centric to learner-centric
pedagogic practice.
The National Policy on Education (NPE 1986), which states that
"Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation should incorporate both
scholastic and non-scholastic aspects of evaluation, spread over the total
span of instructional time."
The NCF 2005 envisions 'a vastly different system built upon entirely
new foundations that would actually make the teacher the primary evaluator of
her students. It also recommends that a school-based continuous and
comprehensive evaluation system be established in order to (i) reduce stress
on children, (ii) make evaluation comprehensive and regular, (iii) provide
space for the teacher for creative teaching, (iv) provide a tool for diagnosis and for producing learners with greater skills. The Comprehensive and
Continuous Evaluation scheme should be simple, flexible, and implementable
in any type of school from the elite one to a school located in rural or tribal
areas. Examination Reforms is an important component of NCF to reduce
psychological pressure, particularly on children in class X and XII.
The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act [2009]
ensures the following :-
• Building up child’s knowledge, potential and talent ;
• Learning through activities, exploration and discovery in a child
friendly and child-centered manner ;
• Making the child free from fear, trauma and anxiety and helping the
child to express views freely ;
• Comprehensive and continuous evaluation [CCE] of the child’s
understanding of knowledge and his or her ability to apply the
(2) Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation in schools is one of the
provisions attributed in the above said Act. As the RTE Act 2009 mandates
the practice of Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation, the State has
resolved to introduce the Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation in all
schools of Tamil Nadu in the best interest of every student.
(3) The present testing of the learner, based only on memory is
one-dimensional. It does not test whether the student is able to interpret or
apply knowledge gathered in any other frame of reference. Students are not
taught to analyze, to order, to organize, to reason, to find purpose and
direction with the information that they receive without choice. It does not take
into account the child’s learning style, or have diversity in time frame or testing
mechanism that can accommodate and reflect the child’s learning capacity.
The question papers of the Board Examination of Classes X and XII are
predictable and students are not able to move beyond the text. They also
undergo a great deal of stress and strain, and the fear of failure leads to many
tragic consequences.
(4) The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has already
introduced Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation for Classes I to X and
is in the process of extending it to classes XI and XII. The neighbouring States
like Kerala and Karnataka too have implemented Comprehensive and
Continuous Evaluation in the Schools.
(5) Some dimensions for Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation
are already in-place in Tamil Nadu at both Primary and Upper Primary levels
in Government and Government-aided schools. At present, however, the
framework of Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation for all schools that
is in consonance with the RTE Act is not in place. Hence, there is an urgent
need to make Evaluation more continuous and comprehensive, and to reduce
the stress level of the learner, as mandated by the NCF 2005 (6) The Evaluation Reforms in School Education Committee discussed
with educationists and interacted with teachers about evolving and the
implementing the Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation Model for
Classes I to X, and deliberated on the implications of extending it to Classes
XI and XII.
(7) Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation comprises of both
Scholastic and Co Scholastic Areas. Each Term of an academic year would
have a Formative and one Summative Assessment.
Formative Assessment [FA] is assessment that happens throughout each
term. It allows scope for use in a diagnostic and remedial manner.
Summative Assessment [SA] is conducted at the end of every term. It is
blueprint-based, objective, written, individual and graded. Each SA would only
assess the syllabus covered during that Term.
Scholastic Area - Curricular Learning Units
• All Subjects: [Tamil, English, Maths, Science, Social Science]
[Summative Evaluation Questions would include Knowledge and
Understanding Questions, Application-based Questions, Open Ended
Questions, as per the blueprint]
• Physical Education/Folk Arts/Yoga/Gardening/Gymnastics
Descriptive Indicators for Assessment would be based on criteria of
performance, such as Involvement, Persistence, Regularity of Practice, Team
Spirit [where required]
Co Scholastic Areas include Life Skills [WHO recommended 10 Life Skills],
Work Experience [SUPW], Visual and Performing Arts Attitudes and Values /
Personality Development and Co curricular Activities like Scouts and Guides,
NSS, Club Activities, Indigenous sports, or any other unique individual skills.
(8) Evaluation Scheme for Connecting Methodology to
Assessment: Classes I to X
As has been suggested by the NCERT, it is proposed to award Grades on a
9 – Point Scale after a Mark-based Assessment in Scholastic areas in order
to avoid unnecessary competition among students and to nullify the
subjectivity of Examiners.
Indicators for assessing each of the co scholastic areas will be graded on a
5 – Point Scale alone.
(9) Students will be evaluated in scholastic areas both by Formative
and Summative assessments with the weightage of 40 and 60 percent marks
respectively. Formative assessment happens throughout each term and
provides scope for diagnostic and remedial measures. Summative
assessment is conducted at the end of each term which tests subject
(10) The academic year would have 3 Terms, as at present, or, as an
alternative, 2 Terms, [June – October & November - April], based upon the
Semester pattern followed by the Central Board of Secondary Education.
Under Formative assessment, (Trimester pattern) equal weightage
will be given to cognitive ability slip tests of written mode and skill based
assessment for activities like discussion, project, debate, etc. In each subject,
six Classroom Assessment Tests of 5 marks each need to be conducted and
the marks of best 4 tests to be taken and recorded for 20 marks (4 x 5 = 20
marks). Similarly, for Skill Based Assessment, six activities are to be
conducted and the marks of the best four activities to be taken and recorded
for 20 marks (4 x 5 = 20 marks). This process is carried out through each
(11) Assessment Framework - Scholastic Area
Formative Assessment would take place in 2 frames – FA [a] & [b].
FA (a) - 4 best activities [classroom transactional processes] out of a
maximum of 6 for each child would be assessed for 20 marks [each
5 marks = 20].
FA (b) - Out of 6 Slip Tests/CATs, the best 4 will be taken and assessed for
20 marks. [Each 5 marks = 20].

[*] – Note
a. Song, Puppetry, Role-play, Craft, Games and Stories, etc; [Primary Level].
Associative/Creative Activities, Summarizing/Organizing Activities, Interactive
Activities, Performance-based Activities Investigative Activities and Remedial
Activities. [Upper Primary, Secondary Levels]
b. Evaluate Cognitive Skills at the end of each unit of the syllabus.
**Note: In Term 2, for Classes V/VI -X, the whole of the 20 marks assigned for
FA [1] would be allocated for a Project/Assignment in any subject/area of the
student’s interest. This is to be done through the 2nd Term, and evaluated at
the end of Term 2.(Activities for FA a and FA b will be designed in a workshop
and will be distributed to schools as implementation guide lines).
Grades for Scholastic Area – Summative Evaluation

Grades for Scholastic Area – Formative Evaluation

(12) As has been suggested by the NCERT, it is proposed to award
Grades instead of Marks, in order to avoid unnecessary competition among
students and to nullify the subjectivity of Examiners.
For each Term Grades will be awarded in the following manner:

(13) Descriptive Indicators for assessing each of the co scholastic area
namely, Life Skill, Work Experience, Visual and Performing Arts, Attitudes and
Values, Personality Development and Co curricular Activities will be
prescribed in the Teachers Manual which will prepared by the evaluation
committee. Grades for a particular descriptive indicator is given below :
Excellent A
Very Good B
Good C
Satisfactory D
Needs Improvement E
(14) The content covered in one particular term will not be carried to
next subsequent term. Basic concepts and practices, however, would need to
be adequately reinforced and carried over.
(15) Assessment will be recorded thrice a year in both Scholastic and
Co Scholastic areas in a progress card. The progress cards will be maintained
independently in each area for each child. These records would be carried
over throughout the period of schooling process. In the event of the transfer of
the student, the Student Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation Record
would be given to the student along with the Transfer Certificate.
(16) This proposed method of assessment will be implemented as
follows :-
Classes 1 to 8 : 2012 - 2013
Classes 9 and 10 : 2013 – 2014
(17) At the Higher Secondary level, for the change in curriculum
envisaged to yield the intended result and fulfill the objectives of National
Curriculam Frame, National Policy on Education and Right to Education, it is
necessary to re-examine the need for Board examinations for Classes X
and XII.
(18) After long deliberation, the system of evaluation followed now in
colleges and institutes of higher learning is a Semester pattern, with
summative and project based assessments built into the evaluation process.
This frame has replaced an earlier, content-laden non-semester pattern.
Thus, to enable students to transit smoothly from school to college, it is
suggested to follow a similar pattern for Classes XI and XII.
(19) The Director of School Education, Director of Elementary
Education and Director of Matriculation Schools, would implement and monitor
the Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation’s in the respective schools
without lapses.
3. After Examination, the Government has decided to accept the
proposal of the Directorate of Teacher Education, Research and Training, in
para 2 above and accordingly issued orders to introduce the Continuous
Comprehensive Evaluation Scheme for classes 1 to 8 from the academic year
2012-2013 and for classes 9 to 10 from the academic year 2013-2014 in all
schools of Tamil Nadu.

(ii) Moreover, it is also ordered that as trimester pattern will be
introduced in all the schools from the next academic year, the Continuous
Comprehensive Evaluation system will be an integral part of the Trimester
D. Sabitha,
Secretary to Government

1 comment:

  1. Completing extracurricular activities means you are going above and beyond your school requirements. List of schools in Vellore
